Importing tick data using command line options

Modified on Wed, 24 Aug, 2022 at 5:04 PM

importing tick dataNote: this article is meant for users with a working knowledge of the Windows command line, file system, application arguments and so on. If you are not familiar with these, it would be a good idea to read some material about them before proceeding. 

Starting with v2.3.0 it is possible to import tick data using command line parameters. This feature can be used to automate import tasks that you frequently need.

This article assumes you are already familiar with importing tick data and already created a custom source and the symbol you would like to import. If you are uncertain about the process, please review the article indicated and practice a few manual imports before moving to command line imports.

The first step in the process is saving an import configuration file. This can be done as follows:

  1. Run the Tick Data Manager.
  2. Select your custom tick data source.
  3. Click ... next to the symbol you would like to work with.
  4. Click the Browse... button in the Import tab.
  5. Select a tick data CSV file that matches the format you would like to import.
  6. Click the Import... button.
  7. Configure the import as desired - try to use the Autodetect button or otherwise manually configure every option until you're satisfied with the data preview output.
  8. Click the Save configuration... button and save the import configuration file. Be sure to make a note of the file name and location as it will be needed later.

The next step is to use the command line parameters for importing tick data:

  • /iformat:file_path_and_name - used to specify the export format file. Example:
    /iformat:"C:\import files\custom_tick_import.icf" - if there's a space in the file name or path, be sure to quote it.
  • /import:source:symbol - configures the symbol that will be used to import the data.
    Very important: only a single symbol can be imported at once!
    /import:MyCustomSource:EURUSD - will import data to the EURUSD symbol configured in the MyCustomSource tick data source.
    /import:"IC Markets":USDCAD - if your custom tick data source contains spaces (e.g. "IC Markets") be sure to quote it.
    "/import:IC Markets:USDCAD" - alternative quoting method.
    /import:ICMarkets:USDCAD - this will also work for a source named "IC Markets".
    /import:IC_Markets:USDCAD - this is yet another way to specify "IC Markets".
  • /input:file1,file2,file3... - specifies the files that need to be imported.
    /input:c:\import\EURUSD.csv - will import the data from the EURUSD.csv file located in c:\import
    /input:c:\import\EURUSD1.csv,c:\import\EURUSD2.csv - will import the data from the two csv files specified. The files can be separated using a comma or a semicolon.
    /input:c:\import\EURUSD1.csv;c:\import\EURUSD2.csv - semicolon separator example.
    /input:c:\import\EURUSD*.csv - it is also possible to specify wildcards and they work just like they do in Windows. If your c:\import\ folder contains EURUSD1.csv, EURUSD2.csv and GBPUSD.csv, this will result in the import of EURUSD1.csv and EURUSD2.csv
    /input:"c:\import files\EURUSD.csv" - if your path contains spaces, be sure to quote it.
    "/input:c:\import files\EURUSD1.csv;c:\import files\EURUSD2.csv" - the specified paths can be quoted individually or as an alternative the whole input parameter can be quoted when spaces are present.
  • /dontquit - just like it does for command line downloads and imports, by default the Tick Data Manager will quit when done importing so that a batch file can continue with other activity such as importing data for other symbols. If you would like to prevent this behavior and have the Tick Data Manager continue to run when it has finished importing, you need to pass the /dontquit command line parameter.

Complete example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\\Tick Data Suite\Tick Data Manager.exe" /import:ICMarkets:EURUSD /iformat:C:\import\format.icf /input:C:\import\EURUSD-ICMarkets.csv

These options can be added to the target part of a shortcut or alternatively a .bat file can be created.

This procedure will fail if you already have an instance of the Tick Data Manager running.